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Transcendental Meditation For All

Sushma Gupta's Blog
Sushma Gupta's Blog
  • 58 Posts

Transcendental Meditation For All

Over the past 55 years the global programs on Transcendental Meditation has had innumerable achievements which run into thousands of fields of human life. Apart from individual life, collective practice of TM has the capacity to grosly affect the life of whole society in increasing positive trends, all over the world.
Transcendental Meditation programms is Easy to learn and Does not involve any change in one’s beliefs or lifestyles. It is practised by people from every culture and walk of life.
Transcendental Meditation programme is practised with eyes closed, sitting comfortably on a chair, 15 to 20 minutes twice a day.
Transcendental Meditation is for all persons those who aspires perfect health, clarity of mind, freedom from stress and strain and peace.
Technique of Transcendental Meditation is to settle our mind to a level where thoughts do not disturb us, then it rests in the field of absolute silence. When one starts practicing TM, This state of mind is only with a couple of seconds, gradually one may feel it for hours also. When mind reaches the level of transcendental consciousness, we may feel absolute bliss within us. This is the stage when we start tapping the infinite energy, creativity and intelligence which is beyond us.
Transcendental Meditation makes thge nervous system more stable resulting in optimum optimum mind and body coordination. major benefits are
  • Faster reaction time
  • Decreased Anxiety
  • Relief from insomnia
  • Overall development of personality
  • Optimum utilization of energy-thereby resulting into balanced and stable health.
  • Increased intelligence growth rate
  • Increased creativity
  • Improved concentration
  • Increased learning ability
  • Improved moral reasoning
  • Growth of ideal social behaviour
  • Decreased stress and anxiety
  • Improved athletic performance

Transcendental Meditation is a technique which is as old as rig veda. the ancient record of human experience. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has brought tihis technique of Transcendental Meditation in a most scientific and systematic form andto make it effective and available to everybody.
To transcend means to go beyond. What we do in our meditation is  to take out the noise within us in systematic and a natural method to to bring down the noise level and to a state of silence. This is called a state of restful alertness.
By TM we develop a clear thinking and our anxieties are relieved. It develops our consciousness and improves our ability to meditate.


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